That of God in everyone

M&O Jan 23 Update

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With another year started, and with the rapid approach of our Annual Meeting in February when we draw together our information on all that happened in 2022 and look forward to 2023, in the M&O team we have been looking at our pastoral and spiritual care work and seeking to plan ahead.

One theme is how we can make the work of this team as transparent as possible, so the entire SBQM community has a good understanding of what is going on, and can join in as fully as possible. Caring for each other involves all of us, and while M&O is asked to undertake certain duties, everyone in the Meeting has an important role to play. So we are planning an After Meeting Conversation on this later in the spring, on “M&O’s Role and Responsibilities”. This interestingly links to the longer term work across Ireland Yearly Meeting, because Irish Friends are setting out on the revision of our “Book of Organisation and Christian Discipline”, to see that the way we organise ourselves really links well with our faith. This revision work will take several years, but provides a really good opportunity for us all to reflect and contribute.

A second theme, which we hope to explore in an After Meeting Conversation in February will be how we communicate as a Meeting to newcomers, and those who may be interested in Quakerism. Some Friends have raised this as an issue they would really like to discuss further, and we are keen to hear everyone’s thoughts. Our tradition has always sought a careful balance, eager to let people know about what Quakerism means to us, but avoiding anything that could be felt to belittle other faiths. Getting that right is important - but it must not be impossible! We really look forward to your thoughts.

The Ministry and Oversight team - Felicity, Jonathan, Ian, Kerry, Marie, Michael, Sylvia and Will